Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lest We Forget

The recent activities of the GOP and its Siamese twin, Big Health Care, have almost driven me to sympathy for the Oborg. Almost. To echo a post from last week-- I hope they both lose.

Entitlements and Smoke Filled Rooms « The Confluence: "...And then it hit me. Weren’t the voters the ones who should have had a sense of entitlement? That point continually gets lost in the argument that Hillary had a sense of entitlement. The entitlement goes to the people who vote. It is their prerogative to give their votes to whomever they choose and not have their choices overturned by party operatives cutting a deal because they don’t like the way the election is going.

I was stunned by the hyperaggressive attitudes of the Obot coalition last year who thought it was just political hardball to steamroll over the voters on their quest to install Obama. They seemed to think it was OK to characterize Hillary voters as racists and stupid, old ugly hags because that made it easier to justify depriving them of their entitlement to their own votes. Right, guys? Admit it. That’s how you felt. If we were going to be dumb old hicks who were bitter guntoting politically incorrect racists, then we didn’t deserve our votes..."

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