Thursday, August 06, 2009

Regional Bigotry

Charlotte Front and Center: Kathleen Parker Stirs Up Old Southern Stereotypes: "...Parker denigrates republican southerners (now known as 'birthers') by accusing them of spreading such birther 'disinformation' in a comparison to Kudzu growth. Gee, kudzu got out of hand when Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal (Soil conservation Service) encouraged its planting and growth to prevent land erosion in the southeast. Kudzu growth got way, way, out of hand. That's what we got for listening to 'Yankees' like Parker. It should be duly noted that improvement in preventing kudzu growth has been achieved by clearing vast amounts of land in the past 15 years; we have had to make way for the hordes of Northern transplants into Tupelo,Atlanta,Charlotte, and other areas of the rich,romantic,mysterious, yet ignorant South..."

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