Monday, August 22, 2016

Is Truth Making A Comeback?

Memo To News Media: Consumers Crave Truth, Not Balance | Crooks and Liars:

...This should serve as a warning to the rest of the squish journalists out there like Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, Erin Burnett, and the Fox News crew: People aren't interested in hearing bothsiderist or one-sided bullshit they serve up and call "news."

People want truth. They don't want talking points, or "both sides do it." Donald Trump has broken all of the rules of party politics, and also the cable news formula. Some, like Stelter, Bolduan, Keilar and Reid have taken the cue, choosing to aggressively pursue truth-telling. Others are not.

To those who refuse to pay attention, beware. Consumers have moved on from the political pablum you serve. Only those who are bold enough to speak truth to the professional liars will survive.

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