Sunday, November 06, 2005

"We're All Larry Flynt Now"


"Bobo Brooks was spewing this crap on the Newshour last night, too. Does PBS care that they employ a liar? Does the New York Times? Sure, people just get things wrong sometimes but when winger central sends out the talking points and they all obligingly repeat them, that's not just getting things wrong that's being deliberately full of ****. It's never just been the right wing media, it's long been the mainstream media providing a microphone for these dishonest hacks.For shame.
-Atrios 8:02 PM...

"Some of us remember a few years back when Monica Madness hit that stories came out about Republican adultery. Salon was universally pilloried for daring to publish the fact that Henry Hyde had an affair. We were told that it wasn't about the sex, it was about the lying, and that politicians, Republican ones at least, deserved their privacy. People pointing out Republican hypocrisy on this subject were labelled McCarthyites (much as David Brooks called Mark Shields's suggestion that Bush lied to take us into war McCarthyism), and media outlets were scared off publishing any stories that might have been dumped in their laps.

-Atrios 4:46 PM"

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