Monday, March 13, 2006

Bushie Cheers Congress

The Smirking Chimp: "Mary Pitt: 'To our Republican Congress'
Posted on Monday, March 13 @ 09:41:51 EST (478 reads)
Submitted by mumzee

Mary Pitt

WOW!!! That felt good, didn't it? You sent the message to Little George, loud and clear, 'The security of America is NOT for sale!' At long last, the lion of the American Congress found its hind legs, stood up and roared! This, the first truly bipartisan act since the Bush cabal took over, stomped into the White House, locked the door, pulled the shades, and gave the true governing body of the people the proverbial finger, is historic and little less than heroic. For this we thank you! As a life-long Republican who cannot be comfortable in the Democratic Party, this writer felt that the early years of party loyalty were at last, in some small measure, vindicated. For just a little while there we were pleased, gratified, and elated that Congress was, at last, acting as an independent branch of government with power equal to the administrative in upholding the will of the people.

Unfortunately, this euphoria was dampened with the renewal of the hated Patriot Act regarding which Congress regressed into the, 'Anything you want, Boss', mode of the past five years. However, the determination to continue with the promulgation of a measure to enact into law the principle of American control of all installations essential to American security would indicate that the change in attitude may continue. It will take a long while to correct the errors that have been made during the last five years but, if Congress has truly regained their sense of equal power, there will be time. We have lived for too long under the yoke of the fear that has been generated largely by the propaganda that has been perpetrated by this administration. We have sacrificed the blood of our children in a campaign of aggression which was inflicted upon us by the lies and manipulation of a gang who are experts at spreading fear and dissension.

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