Sunday, March 19, 2006

Feingold's Responsible for No Wars

JS Online:Huh? Feingold's the careless, reckless one?:

"In Washington, crazy is normal, and normal is crazy.

President Bush and his people adopt a lunatic theory about preventive war, conjure out of Saddam Hussein's non-existent nuclear arsenal a paranoid vision of an imminent mushroom cloud over an American city, start a real war with make-believe planning (and disastrous consequences), keep giving the war rosy prognoses unhinged from the grim reality and suffer delusions of monarchism in which King George has inalienable rights to torture prisoners and wiretap citizens without court oversight, despite laws to the contrary.

A lone lawmaker has put forth a modest proposal to counter this last excess. Sen. Russ Feingold, the Wisconsin Democrat, has asked his colleagues to censure Bush - that is, to pass a resolution rebuking him for illegally spying on Americans.

Now, guess who's drawn the verbal brickbats, such as 'out of line,' 'overreaching,' 'irresponsible,' 'outrageous,' 'crazy.' Amazingly, Feingold has.

Were the administration a car, it would be careening through city streets at high speed, getting into crashes, often fatal, as it went. But the authorities would treat this crazy driving as normal and the sane lawman who wants to issue the motorist a ticket as crazy."


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