Friday, March 31, 2006

Impeachment Now

A Declaration of Impeachment (March 30, 2006):

"A Declaration of Impeachment

by Mark Taylor-Canfield

At this time in American history, we must effect a profound awakening in our nation. All citizens must take the reigns of power and demand that our elected representatives in Congress vote to hold the President and his administrators accountable for their many offenses committed in the name of the people of the United States of America. We must avoid another three years of corruption and ineptitude by the administration of George W. Bush. Impeachment proceedings should begin immediately, for both criminal and civil violations that have caused harm to the people of this country and the people of other sovereign nations.

In the face of current and pending federal indictments for the possible treasonous act of outing an intelligence operative for political purposes, along with an unending quagmire in the Middle East based on false information, continued suppression of civil liberties at home, and revelations concerning secret detention camps and torture, the Bush presidency has reached a low point in US history and the government must be held accountable for these violations of the United States Constitution and international law. Bush's terms in office have resulted in an isolated, arrogant regime which has little respect for the American people, our soldiers, or the thousands of civilians living in Afgha"

Much more here.

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