Rummy & Co. pay no heed to military leaders:
". . .General Newbold put it this way in a magazine interview: 'My sincere view is that the commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions -- or bury the results.'
That just about says it all. But it is going to take more to persuade the bumblers who are running this country (into the ground) and who have self-immunized themselves from the need to admit mistakes and accept reality.
The reality: More than 2,300 American dead and three times that number wounded both physically and mentally, a 'liberated' country sinking into the all-too-predictable chaos of civil war and our own treasury being bled at a rate of several billion dollars a month.
But pay no attention to such negative talk, even if it is coming from veteran warriors who have seen the cost of war from every angle. Just keep in mind that freedom is on the march (Bush), and the insurgency is in its last throes (Cheney) and the insurgents are just a bunch of rag-tag dead-enders (Rumsfeld). That's all you need to know. . ."
Move along. Nothing to see here.
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