Thursday, April 16, 2009

Banking Question

The Confluence--'High Noon At The Banker Corral': "...Go read the whole thing. Goldman is playing a global game of Monopoly with the potential for devastating consequences for all of us. Now that I think of it, didn’t Hank Paulsen hate Lehman Brothers? And wasn’t he the former CEO of Goldman? Is bankruptcy the way G-S is eliminating their competition? Something strange and unsavory is going on with G-S and the other banks that feels like out of control aggressive avarice.

And who are the people on Capitol Hill who refuse to put a stop to it all? Frank? Dodd?

Johnson says there’s no time like the present to engage the Department of Justice to enforce and prosecute antitrust laws. So, who is standing in the way of a showdown?"


billy pilgrim said...

it's all one big pump and dump scheme.

it looks like the new pump and dump cycle will be starting any day.

Bob Harrison said...

Yep. You've probably nailed this one,too.