Tuesday, April 28, 2009

When Turncoats Become Patriots

SNAP ANALYSIS: Specter defection a sharp blow to Republicans | Reuters: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Arlen Specter's abrupt move to switch allegiance to President Barack Obama's Democratic Party was a sharp blow to Republicans and will likely generate more soul-searching for the minority party.

His decision to seek re-election as a Democrat next year was a nakedly political move to hang on to power..."

So if he comes over our side, is he our hero? Well, since my side has left me (mostly) alone in the middle, I'm not particularly excited about this move. The Democrats lost a few after big Bush wins, too, so what goes around, comes around (swine flu, hopefully, excepted).


Anonymous said...

Arlen specter democrat-what the fuck does it again!
arlen specter democrat-must go !?

Bob Harrison said...

Sigh. I remember him char-broiling Anita Hill and foot dragging with Scalia. More sighs.