Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Palin Gets Hillaryed

The Sarah Palin Project: Eye of Newt and RINO Tails « The Confluence: "...Speaking as someone who remains a loyal supporter of Sarah Palin , there remains for me an open ended question of whether or not her bid for the presidency in 2012 will be sincerely supported by the GOP. Especially, the many elephants and RINOs that pee standing up.

Newt’s carefully crafted responses suggests a continuing pattern of the Republican patriarchy that is dismissive towards Sarah Palin. Newt’s interview in particular presents a more obvious attempt at her marginalization. On its face, Newt’s opinion of Palin has to be taken with a grain of salt- as it is one that comes from a man who has historically questioned the authority of women. He mentions Sarah’s appeal to media as one possible limitation to her bid in 2012. If I were Newt, I would not bring up personal relationships and media scrutiny (cough, cough).

Newt’s recent slight of Palin is not an isolated case. When interviews among other GOP males are examined collectively, their responses towards Palin tells a similar story. Palin’s former presidential running mate John McCain, exhibited a common air of discomfort and unresponsiveness when questioned about Palin’s political future within the Republican party. On one Jay Leno appearance McCain failed to even mention Palin..."


Peg Fikes said...

I have a serious problem supporting and voting for a person who appears to have no regard for federal laws and regulations. I would like to see Gov. Palin demonstrate some changes in that regard.

billy pilgrim said...

i remember the old expression that monkey could get elected with the right campaign.

palin might prove that adage correct.

Bob Harrison said...

I'm not sure what Federal law Palin has run afoul-- there are many-- and I think Bush proved a chimp could win a campaign so...

Anonymous said...

I am referring to environmental regs at this point. I was appalled at someone with her attitudes being selected for VP.

Bob Harrison said...

I assume you may be talking about the much publicized helicopter hunts. I'm not a hunter but I am a fisherman and I know sometimes the Feds cause all sorts of problem for the locals. I live in an area that is besieged by Feds routinely, all bent on telling us what to do, but the rules about life that they have, all designed for a flatland, coastal environment, do not work well in a region where everything is 45 degrees off flat. For instance, deer are constantly knocking my fences down, yet some folks want to ban hunting so we would have 50 times more deer starving in the woods. I'm sure the Alaskans get even more irked about broad based rules that don't work in their region.

Anyway, I'm not particularly appalled by her environmental stands, at least any more than I am about the Democrats who protect the TVA power plants which constantly rain air pollution down on me.

In the environmental arena, like the political arena, I think the only thing that really matters is green (money.)

However, if Palin's environmental stands rub you the wrong way, then you let her know. Maybe you can change her mind. I'd like to change her mind on few items myself (mostly foreign policy).