Sunday, September 01, 2013

Defending Rape

As a teacher in higher ed, I can tell that sexual contact with students will get you fired in most places, regardless of the ages involved. As a human being, I find this reasoning just plain wrong, if not evil.

Washington Post column uses a Louis C.K. joke to defend statutory rape -
...Karasik may say that her position on statutory rape shouldn’t be interpreted as a defense of Judge Todd Baugh’s comment that Rambold’s victim was “as much in control of the situation” as her rapist, but by erasing these crucial power dynamics from her read on the case (and sex between adults and minors more broadly), she effectively argues the same thing. Rambold didn’t rape his 14-year-old student because it wasn’t a “forcible beat-up rape,” Baugh recently remarked. Karasik seems to share this opinion...

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