Most liberals think the Republican presidential race is nuts. Those right-wing candidates are sucking up so hard to the Tea Party and the Bible thumpers that they’ve lost touch with reality. But a similar problem is happening on the Democratic side. Sen. Bernie Sanders is pulling the party to the left, Hillary Clinton is chasing him, and the issues and positions under discussion are drifting away from the political center...
Four years ago I suggested several times on Daily PUMA that the Clintons or people they know needed to start a truly moderate news network. Current TV might have been a good target but Al Jeerza bought them and now Al Jeerza I think has gone bankrupt.
Sometimes I am surprised by the Clinton's, it's seems like the Clinton's get the complicated things but screw up on the simple things.
As Riverdaughter commented--- Clinton needs to get rid of "data guys." They seem to overthink every problem and issue-- some of which, like climate change, need to be overthought, but simple issue of getting a moderate message out to the sane Republicans (there may still be some) and the vast majority of center-left Democrats and independents seems to get lost in the Bernie shuffle. Young voters, it seems, are repelled by the GOP but entranced by its mirror opposite. Neither extreme is where most of us are but our voices are silenced by the loud, persistent extremes and corporate money.
I posted about the thrashing Hillary Clinton was going to get from the millenials a month prior to New Hampshire's vote. I have a solution, but based on the past 8 years of my life, I'm just not going to give away a really good idea I have. I can be bought. Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton's team seems to have their noses too high to actually care what bloggers think, even the ones that have remained in support for the past 8 years.
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