Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No Swift Boating

Democrat Taylor Marsh Blogs Politics: "'. . .They are not Swift boating us on security,” was the line Leader Nancy Pelosi used recently. She is exactly right. Republicans have been trying to do that since Vietnam, which has worked almost every time. But it's over. It's over because Republicans have shown how incompetent and deceitful they are when it comes to matters of war and peace. There's another problem. Bush and Republicans in Congress won't hold their own leaders accountable for grave errors. Errors that have caused a massive collapse of American foreign policy credibility around the world, as well as troop moral that is lower than it has been since the post Vietnam era. Bush and the Republicans, with Joe Lieberman backing the president's Iraq policy, did that on their own. Lieberman needs to be held accountable for it. . . "

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