Saturday, August 26, 2006

On Being Prematurely Right

". . Now, though, since President Bush's nutty little press conference last week, I take a certain pride in being prematurely against attacking Iraq. I also wonder why and how long we should politely take more and more of this patriotic crap for being prematurely right.
. . There were those, a lot of us, and not all crazed liberals, who had a pretty good idea (and talked and wrote about) what was going to happen if the United States invaded Iraq for no particular reason -- at least no reason the government was sure of or could prove. Yeah, Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, no great distinction in much of the world, but there were those of us premature "defeatists" who tried to argue that the best we could hope for if we rolled our military dice in that sand was bloody sectarian chaos and civil war.

Actually, we were too optimistic and too patriotic. . "

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