Squanderation - Square In The Nuts -- The Blog - Lulu.com: "It is absolutely astounding to watch the US attempt diplomacy with a president at the helm whose disinterest is palpable. A crackpot like Condolences Rice goes to the Middle East, throws around some snide comments, and leaves; Bush says this is American policy at work. John Bolton, erstwhile ambassador to the UN, takes a brindle steamer on the panel empaneled to decide whether he should keep the job. The neocons, all around, are becoming more impatient, belligerent, and nasty every day. They can't figure out why reality is taking so long to prove them right.
Reality has in fact proven them wrong, again and again. Joe McCarthy, arch-loon, was making all the same points fifty years ago, and that didn't work out. Hated as they may be by American politicians, the only 'democratic' (read: crowd control) ideas that work are the ones that provide enough money, food, healthcare, and housing to the population. Enough is all it takes. You give 99% of people 'enough', and they will shut the fuck up and you 1%-ers can literally do whatever you wish to do. You can sodomize tapirs or make sideburns illegal, it doesn't matter. Just as long as everybody has enough. . ."
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