Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bonuses Now and Then

There's been a bit of recent news about excessive compensation at Home Depot. Here's a reminder of, shall we say, corpulence from The Smirking Chimp:

"In December, 2006, Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street financial services company, announced a sixteen and a half billion dollar bonus for its 26,500 employees, an average of $623,418 per employee. Their newly appointed CEO received a bonus of $52,000,000.

With the rain of riches falling upon Wall Street these days, the practice of distributing rewards at the top is picking up steam. CEOs and executives at Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley are receiving bonuses as high as $60 million. The manna from heaven continues to fall, and the optimists just want to let the good times roll. They see the benefits of Capitalism unending. Halleluiah! We’re on a bonus march!

The very thought of it takes your breath away and also takes you back to the days of the original bonus marchers..."

Get your history right here.

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