Monday, February 04, 2008

Marsh and Jong On Sen.Clinton

Before this excerpt, Marsh discusses so-called progressive bloggers who have done little but attack Sen.Clinton. I've dropped even looking at several of her examples because they have gone so far over the Obama deep-end and are doing little more than distributing Republican Clinton-talking points like oats in a corral.

Democrat Taylor Marsh Broadcasts Live Talk Radio and Blogs Politics:

"...Part of the primary story that has yet to be written is the secret sexism running rampant in progressive quarters and within our Democratic midst. I have never been so shocked as to see some supposed Democratic and progressive males react with such shameful sexist bias that is sometimes obvious, but also evidenced in unfair coverage of Clinton. It makes me even more grateful for those who have stood up against it, including liberated males who found their way here to my blog (and radio show). However, the experience has changed my opinion forever about the Democratic party, especially the online progressive community. On a personal note, the onslaught of "c" word emails and invectives used by Obama supporters has been sobering, as it has been expensive. Without a bartering deal with my tech team, AgoraNet, I wouldn't have been able to stop it. Not that attacking me personally bothers me at all. I think of Eleanor Roosevelt's quote: "Every woman in public life needs to develop skin as tough as rhinoceros hide." But the attacks have come because I have made the case for Clinton, after first starting out as simply a contrarian against a biased press attacking her. These hate emails have come because I dare to challenge the ideology and record of her main opponent. The attacks come from so called progressives, including emails from male bloggers warning me of my tone, my perseverance, even insinuating that by appreciating Clinton's record I am racist (revealing themselves instead). These Democratic males have shown no respect whatsoever for what I'm fighting for, but instead simply warn that I will regret my position and should adjust to reality, which includes the unquestioning genuflection and worship of her opponent, because they will need my voice once he wins. You guys need to read up.

Segue to Erica Jong's Hillary and the Patriarchy. It says the rest..."

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