Thursday, February 07, 2008

What It's All About

Ellis Weiner: Kristol Bawls - Media on The Huffington Post: Quoting Kristol--"The American conservative movement has been remarkably successful. We shouldn't take that success for granted. It's not easy being a conservative movement in a modern liberal democracy....

Especially when it's not remotely 'conservative,' but never mind. From the people who put the 'con' in Neo-con comes the New Triumphalism: a whiny, self-pitying cry of victory as every element and detail of their project is revealed to have been a lie, a scam, a shakedown, a fraud, and a failure. Except, of course, for the money. Everyone -- from Rumsfeld to Cheney, from the chief commander of Blackwater to the Commander in Chief in the White House (who told the unbearable Chris Matthews, in pitch-perfect Idiot Sophomore, that he intends, as soon as he retires, to 'replenish the old coffers') -- will have got their money..."

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