Friday, March 07, 2008

KO KOing Self?

Quoted from


MyDD :: Can Keith Olbermann even repair his reputation?

Lastnight Keith Olbermann repeated a false story, again. Twisting statements Hillary Clinton has made during this campaign, that we know what the other party will throw at the Democrats in the General Election, and she is best qualified to run against McCain's claim of experience and foregin policy. Hillary has been stating this. But Keith Olbermann decided lastweek to be the Obama campaign's media strategist in distorting her comments that somehow she was praising John McCain over another Democrat, Obama. When she said: March 1 Dallas,


"I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say,” she said. “He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience.Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002."


The same argument she has been making. But Keith Olbermann decided to take a distorted comment from a blogger and make a story out of it. The "Hillary: McCain would be better than Obama" making a story and lie, not with comments Hillary made, but their own interpretations of the above comments. Did Keith get too much backlash and instead of admitting a mistake, he repeated it, only worse? Lastnight, another piece of the Reality World died. Keith Olbermann brings up the same piece of news, only this time he shows the video clip of Hillary saying this and then procedes to distort and color the actual news and facts of what was said. He went on to call her the new Lieberman, posting up her name "McClinton", trying to say she would favor McCain over Obama, when that is not at all what was being discussed. And sadly, HE KNOWS THAT. Funny, the only person I know who would want to be compared to Joe Lierberman, would probably be the one who called him his "MENTOR", when Senator Obama himself endorsed Joe Lieberman over Democratic Primary Challenger Ned Lamont, and gave that glowing praise at their annual Democratic Party dinner in Connecticut, in which Ned Lamont was also in attendance. But on top of that, Keith brought on another one of those guests that act as an Obama sympathizer, Richard Wolfe. He embellished on Keith's comments and proceded to paint Hillary as being Lieberman like with claims and even said, "look, she's for Free Trade". Accusations and lies, is this what Countdown has become? If even we can't get Keith Olbermann to apolgize for his very colored words and claims, because he began his rant with a self declared immunity "this may be Hyperbole", but as Keith has said, he is responsible for his guests, and even though Cable is not considered "public airwaves", he used to care about facts. Will he make amends? Will he correct the record of comments made by Richard Wolfe? ...


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