Friday, March 07, 2008

Public Schools Producing Democrats

CAL THOMAS: Parents should "come out " from public schools and educate their children with values at home or in private schools. -- "...Gleason's rationale is simple. 'If you're going to send your kids to Caesar, you're going to get Romans back.'

He's right. It isn't just the sexual re-programming. That's symbolic of a larger problem. The government schools want to shape a child's mind in ways that reflect a mostly liberal, humanistic worldview. This has implications for a child's understanding of economics, foreign policy, American history and the size and purpose of government, in addition to what once were known as 'traditional values.' It is about reflecting the worldview of the teachers unions, who are in the pocket of the Democratic Party. In other words, the Left uses public schools to produce the next generation of Democrats..."

...which explains how the Dems have managed to control every political process in the land for the last twenty years . Seriously, Cal, adjust the tin foil-- you're picking up beams from beyond.

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