Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Wisdom of Wolcott

Quoted from


James Wolcott's Blog: Premature Ejectoration: Wolcott's Blog:

...I agree with Tom Watson that a Democratic duel that goes all the way to the convention is a healthy development, not a death march:

A Hillary-Barack race that goes to the convention is a bonanza not just for the media sales departments (who will be rooting against their Obama-worshipping colleagues in the newsroom) but for the Democratic Party and for the progressive cause. The fickle, often-bored electorate is excited about this race--why go dark for several months? Further, why give McCain and the Republicans equal time?

Then again, I'm also sympathetic to those whose nerves are wrung out and just want this thing over, the way they want Bush's presidency to come to its miserable conclusion so that this oppressive weight will no longer be hanging over our heads. But it's not nearly as exhausting a marathon for us as it is for the candidates, their families, and their staffs, and if they can tough it out to the finish, who are we to whine?


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