Roy Webb · Top Commenter
The only decent thing Bush has done in his whole misbegotten life is keep his stupid yap shut since 2008. The right-wingers on the Salt Lake Tribune message boards were having a little circle jerk about how much they missed Dubya, especially compared to "Oblame-o, Obummer, Obummunist," and how all of us LIB'ruhls should stop blaming Dubya because it had been five years, after all. To which I replied:
"What if your brother-in-law moved into your house, trashed the place, spent all of your money and ran up huge debts, wrecked your car, had the cops called to your house multiple times so the neighbors hated you, molested your wife, drove off all of your friends and killed your dog. Would everything be back to normal when he moved out? That's what you and the rest of the smug right-whiners on this thread think should have happened. Bush did more damage to this country and its institutions than can be repaired in one term or even two, especially when the flying monkeys like you and the rest of the whingers all the way up to the Congress have been flinging your poop and screaming since President Obama was nominated. And I'll bet when Bush was killing and torturing and looting and raping, you were all right there cheering him on, 'Mur'ka, f**k yeah! Am I right? Of course I'm right."
well, he does have that deal where he helps injured vets take up mountain biking.
obama is smarter than bush but he's also less trustworthy in my opinion.
I wouldn't trust either one of them any further than I could toss an anvil.
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