Chained CPI and the Mistakes Obama’s Budget Keeps Making - Robert Schlesinger (
This path is well-worn. We will never support SS cuts, Obama, no matter how you try to package them.
...But, he goes on to add, the notion that the double-pox caucus, or BipartisanThinkers as he calls them, will stop just blaming both sides is "an extremely forlorn hope":
More likely, the BipartisanThinkers will eventually redefine Obama's compromise position as Big Government liberalism and the center as the halfway point between that and Paul Ryan's plan to kill and eat the poor.
Why is that? Because Obama's new budget proposals aren't actually new. He has offered these things in public and in negotiations previously. Republicans have typically had one of two reactions. The first is ignorance – recall Ezra Klein's recounting a briefing with a senior Republican member of Congress who said that Obama's being open to chained CPI would be a gamechanger, not realizing that the offer was already on the White House website, "literally in bold print" as Klein noted...
This path is well-worn. We will never support SS cuts, Obama, no matter how you try to package them.
even the regular cpi screws the poor with the low weighting on food and energy.
All these schemes are inherently unfair to the poor.
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