Wednesday, April 03, 2013

NC Losing Its Mind

North Carolina Attempts To Declare ‘Official State Religion’
What would happen if a state like North Carolina declared an “official state religion?” It would be pretty messy for a lot of reasons, but one of the big “benefits” to doing so would be exemption from the Constitution and court rulings (otherwise known as “America” and “the law”).

But that’s exactly what Republican state legislators in North Carolina are proposing. A bill in the legislature would allow an official state religion to be declared, which could be considered a sort-of backdoor secession strategy. That doesn’t seem to be entirely the motivation of the two Rowan County lawmakers who filed the bill Monday. Instead, they say that “is sovereign” and that the courts can’t block them “from making laws respecting an establishment of religion...”


Sha said...

The rest of the world continues to shrug its shoulders at the unending stream of American folly, arrogance and utter ugliness and buffoonery. Even though this little episode is rather moronic, even by bible belt standards, it is still hardly a "new low".

Bob Harrison said...

I disagree that its not a new low. I agree that folly, arrogance, etc. have been steadily increasing since the Reign of Ronnie Raygun.