Monday, March 03, 2008

Lib & Con

From Say It Loud: I'm Liberal and I'm Proud!"


In Austin last week, Barack Obama spoke these words to his supporters: "Oh, he's liberal,” he said. “He's liberal. Let me tell you something. There's nothing liberal about wanting to reduce money in politics that is common sense. There's nothing liberal about wanting to make sure [our soldiers] are treated properly when they come home. There's nothing liberal about wanting to make sure that everybody has healthcare, but we are spending more on healthcare in this country than any other advanced country. We got more uninsured. There's nothing liberal about saying that doesn't make sense, and we should do something smarter with our health care system. Don't let them run that okie doke on you!"


Begging your pardon, Barack, but there is something liberal about all of these things.


These are liberal policies, liberal goals...


...What has this wonderful conservatism brought us over the last forty years? A black hole of war and war profiteering that is sucking our nation dry as it kills millions? An economy that has taken money from the poorest to give to the richest and decimated a once-thriving middle class? A social climate of bigotry and division, where discrimination is not just morally acceptable, but divinely ordained? A place where the 'Golden Rule' is "He who has the gold makes the rules"? Where we kill others to force 'freedoms' upon them while eviscerating our own freedoms at home? It has turned a once-respected country into the most feared and reviled country in the world, run by lawless thugs who have no aspirations beyond their own enrichment and power...

...This was not a natural ‘swing of the pendulum’ – it was bought and paid for. It was slow-growing, but inexorable, and soon the term ‘liberal’, which only a few years before was how most people described themselves; which stood for society’s values – a safety net for the poorest, tolerance, intelligence, inquiry, progress – became an epithet. Liberals were irresponsible, unrealistic, immature, decadent, and wasteful of other people’s money. They were immoral, licentious, hedonistic, irrational and self-indulgent. With the concerted efforts of the new think tanks, newspaper and magazine articles, and pundits-for-hire, these ideas seeped into the national consciousness.

Forty years later, it is time to understand that the assault against liberalism did not just happen. It was planned, financed, and implemented, and we are living with the results today. This is what happens when unregulated capitalism is allowed to rampage without the checks and balances that liberal policies foster.


Conservatives have spent billions and billions of dollars to make 'liberal' into a dirty word, and they have succeeded when people who should be calling themselves liberal emphatically deny the word in the same breath as they espouse liberal policies and values. Even the word 'progressive', which is nothing to be ashamed of, and represents the idea that society should be improved upon through action, is used by liberals who want to express their values without using the 'L' word.


I think this has to stop...


Post has a good deal of info on who funded the "Conservative Revolution" also.


Faded said...

You're preaching to the choir, Bob. But methinks Obama, at that point, was preaching to the other side.

We know that the people who have been espousing these ideas have been liberals, not conservatives. But the ideas themselves are from both sides of the coin, if not both sides of the aisle.

If only some of these conservatives could see how bad they've been hoodwinked by such a myopic vision as today's Republican party, they could realize that the things Obama is talking about span a wider horizon than just "liberal" or "conservative" policy. They are policies that, whatever label you affix- would be good for America. And that's all that needs to be considered.

Bob Harrison said...

I think O is actually a Republican, especially on fiscal matters. I do get your drift, tho. I especially like "They are policies that, whatever label you affix- would be good for America. And that's all that needs to be considered" and absolutely endorse that idea.

Faded said...

Okay- I ran into this post-

And it totally turned my thinking on its head. check it out.

Bob Harrison said...

Wow! Loved that post. And I absolutely get it on getting my leg pissed on. I think this is a key element in the post: "We are living in a uniquely teachable moment, one that has not occurred in a generation, where a Democratic candidate has the opportunity to remind people that all of the values and attributes of the United States that we consider good are liberal."
And that is 100% correct.