Saturday, March 01, 2008

Say "No" To O

Oprah that is.

Jon Swift: More Supporters Barack Obama Needs To Denounce and Reject:

"...Of course, many conservatives are worried about the endorsement Obama got from the Kennedys, but what about the enthusiastic support he has gotten from Oprah Winfrey? Winfrey is single-handedly responsible for turning the execrable Dr. Phil McGraw into a celebrity. Dr. Phil is one of the most annoying, self-righteous people on television if not the most. What has Obama done to assure those of us who despise Dr. Phil that we will not see even more of him during an Obama Administration? Does he endorse Dr. Phil's crass Britney Spears hospital room intervention? Does he subscribe to Dr. Phil's smarmy, simple-minded psychobabble? Has Obama ever denied unequivocally that he will appoint Dr. Phil surgeon general? By accepting Oprah's endorsement, Obama has left himself vulnerable to the charge that he agrees with her that Dr. Phil has anything even remotely worthwhile to say ..."

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