Monday, May 05, 2008

Niching Bill

In Small Towns, Bill Clinton Finds A Campaign Niche -

"...Clinton had traveled here, to a dead-end street in a 22,000-person town that no other U.S. president had ever visited, to make the case for his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. But first, as he stared out at the 300-plus people and their various pets lounging in the overgrown weeds of Williams's lawn, he felt it necessary to clarify something.

"They say Bill Clinton's been banished to the backwater, but that's not how it is," he said. "I'm from the backwater. I like it here."

After a series of awkward moments and costly missteps while campaigning for his wife, Clinton has finally discovered a role that suits him. He's become the campaign's self-proclaimed "ambassador to small-town America," traveling to places where the mere arrival of his motorcade signals a significant moment in local history, where his charm and affability carry substantial weight among voters..."

I think this is the primary reason the race in NC has tightened. The Clintons have really paid attention to small venues in NC, and while they may need see thousands every time, the ones they do see have telephones and they talk to other people all over the state and region. The web among small town Americans is as pervasive as the internet-- and a whole lot friendlier.

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