Wednesday, May 21, 2008

P.Bush and BO

The Raw Story | The View co-host brings up Prescott Bush's Nazi ties: "'...One more point,' continued Behar, pulling out a prepared statement. 'It's very interesting and ironic that George Bush, Senior's -- er, George Bush, this one -- his grandfather -- this one -- the late -- I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but in this case it's fun -- he was a United States senator, Prescott Bush. Okay -- he was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.'

'This is his grandfather,' Behar continued. 'He has no business talking to Jewish people when he's got this right in his backyard.'

'How come you can bring up this backyard but then it's not alright to dig into Obama's backyard and family history?' was all the flustered Hasselbeck could find to say..."

Hmmmm. Nazis and kettles, I see.

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