Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Adult Progress
"The birth of 3-D porn
“It was only a matter of time,” said Monika Bartyzel in Cinematical. 3-D technology has long been used in action and fantasy films, and now it’s coming to porn. Hong Kong filmmakers are at work on 3-D Sex and Zen, possibly the first ever 3-D adult film. The movie is scheduled to open in Hong Kong theaters in December, and it’s certain to elicit “an entirely different set of ooohs and aaahs” from audiences..."
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
On Being Critical of Little O
The notion that we should not say something critical of the policy of a Democratic president because it might give aid and comfort to the rightwing enemy is completely unacceptable. It is a form of regimentation, and equivalent to making dissent a sort of treason. We had enough of that the last 8 years (it used to be from different quarters that I was accused of traitorously succoring the enemy)..."
Monday, January 26, 2009
McCain Now Critical Of Obama
McCain said he would not have announced the pending closure of Guantanamo, as Obama did last week by signing an executive order, without having first decided what to do with the 245 detainees being held there.
And the senator said he would not support the stimulus plan in its current form, asserting that it should have more tax cuts and less emphasis on projects, such as repairing the National Mall or extending broadband access to rural areas..."
McCain now seems more critical of Little O than when he was running against him. What gives? Don't tell me John McCain was sucked in by the glitterati, too. Please don't tell me the only people we can nominate for President are fools.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Where Will All The Gitmo Go?
Political Wimps and Cowards Whining About Guantanamo Terrorists : NO QUARTER
"We defeated Nazi Germany, which at one point controlled all of Europe and major swaths of the Soviet Union and North Africa. We held members of that master race in prison camps scattered throughout the United States. We obliterated Japan, which had raped and pillaged most of Asia and the islands of the Pacific. And we pushed Soviet communism to a dramatic collapse. We stood up against armies that numbered in the millions. Massive air power with nuclear bombs and fully armed intercontinental ballistic missiles. But when it comes to thinking rationally about a handful–245 to be precise–of real and alleged radical Islamic terrorists being locked up in the United States we soil ourselves.
We have imprisoned and executed some of the world’s most heinous mass murderers. We have lincarcerated the heads of major narcotics cartels and drug gangs. Hell, we have Hells’ Angels and skinheads in our prisons and don’t lose a nights sleep. Ye,t raise the possibility that we might put 150 suspected terrorists in prisons on U.S. soil and many of our political leaders–Republicans in particular–act like panicked passengers on the Titanic. But it is not just Republicans. Remember when Kansans had a pair of balls and some backbone? Not anymore. The Jayhawks are now a bunch of chickenhawks:.."
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Do The Homeless Need More Art?
And don't you dare spew that pap about the-best-things-in-life-are-free to someone facing homelessness -- not if you value your unbroken nose. 'Spirit' is beyond restoration when the cupboard is bare. The job of the true liberal is to replenish that cupboard -- period. Let each citizen work out the rest for himself or herself..."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Due Credit Due?
Cleaner air equals 21 more weeks of life | Industries | Health & Drugs | Reuters: "BOSTON (Reuters) - Dramatic improvements in U.S. air quality over the last two decades have added 21 weeks to the life of the average American, researchers reported on Wednesday..."
GOPer Whining
Republicans upset as House panels move on stimulus | Reuters: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives committees on Thursday backed a raft of tax cuts and spending programs as part of the $825 billion package to boost the ailing economy, despite Republican complaints that their proposals were not getting a fair hearing..."
Racist Inaugural Poem?
Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right.
Wow. The good will and votes of millions of whites still means whites need to “embrace what is right.” Think the Rev. recited this without it having been vetted? Not on your life. Oh, and to all the “yellow” who need to be “mellow,” I guess that means you’re too uptight. Chill out and stop taking all the top places in schools..."
About Those Career Liberals
Daily Howler: The career liberal world refused to fight back. Does Steve Clemons' post show us why?: "...END OF AN ERA: An era came to an end this week—although its noxious constituent parts may well come back at some point.
But yes, an era came to an end. The mainstream press corps won’t be trashing Obama in the way they trashed so many Big Dems during the 16-year, Clinton/Gore/Bush/Kerry/Clinton era. (Good!) In that era’s most consequential episode, their conduct sent George Bush to the White House. But that story remains in the “sphere of deviance” for the mainstream press corps—and for the “liberal press” too. Good “career liberals” just don’t discuss it. One more time, as an era ends, we incomparably will..."
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New Political Party Needed
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
And You Were Expecting...What?
He will also do everything he can to avoid being blamed for anything. After running against Bush and the Neocon policies for two years, he suddenly finds himself in the position of having to decide whether his campaign rhetoric was just talk or a real plan for action.
Consider Obama’s primary beefs and campaign promises: ..."
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hard To Sympathize Worldwide: "Jan. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Circuit City Stores Inc., the bankrupt consumer-electronics chain, starts going-out-of- business sales at its 567 U.S. stores today, the beginning of the end for a retailer that began selling televisions in 1949..."
A Worthy Jobs Program
"... But it must be the right reform: the establishment of a national single-payer style healthcare reform system by expanding the existing Medicare system to cover all Americans. According to a new "Single Payer/Medicare for All: An Economic Stimulus Plan for the Nation" study released today by the National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association, such a reform would provide a major stimulus for the U.S. economy by creating 2.6 million new jobs and infusing $317 billion in new business and public revenues into the economy. This reform would, according to the study, add $100 billion in wages to the currently sputtering U.S. economy..."
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Roasting NOW
Paquin Has True Blood Win
I was a huge fan of Dexter, but the second season has left me less than thrilled. Battlestar Galactica has promised this will be the end (thank the gods). I guess I will just have to rely on Washington to furnish most of my entertainment, and thus far, we are not amused.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What Sen. Clinton Should Say
Personally, after all the vetting, when she shows definitively that she is the best man and woman for the job, I wish she would say, “On second thought, I’d like to stay in the Senate. I think I’d do a better job than Caroline Kennedy and let’s face it, there’s no consolation prize for being swindled out of the presidency by your own party. Yeah, being the foreign president would be a nice addition to my CV, but completely unnecessary. Surely, SURELY, you can find someone to do this job as well as I can.”
Probably not but if Senator “I-went-to-elementary-school-in-Indonesia!” would like to switch places before the inauguration seals the fate of our country for the next four years, I’d like to hear how *he* would answer the questions the experts would put before him..."
Comment Of The Day
If Hillary cured cancer, Jesse Jackson Jr. would call her a racist for not curing sickle-cell anemia first.
Sergei Rostov"
Monday, January 12, 2009
Bill O Giving A Pass To B O
... and the MSM O'licking continues, proving yet again that money buys integrity even if it is pompous, overblown, and often wrong integrity. I thought I could always count Bill O to be a douchebag but now even he is in the O'sucking line. Keep up the good work, Fourth Estate; pretty soon you will be the Last Estate.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Comment Of The Day
The right wants to frame this problem as liberal bias, but it really is based in class and gender bias as well as envy of those who are smarter than they are. It is not just conservatives that they savage. The media used sexist attacks to trash Hillary. They constantly hounded Bill and portrayed him as white trash. Bush was well-liked by the media, something they try to hide by claiming they only gave him a pass after 9-11. The truth is they helped the Republicans sell him to us in 2000 by willingly ignoring his blatant lies, his history of bankruptcies, insider trading, and downplaying his National Guard history all the while praising him as a regular guy who would be fun to have a beer with. In contrast, they portrayed Gore as a dishonest phony.
A democracy cannot function when voters make choices based on such propaganda. The media deserves a large share of blame for the mess we are in as a result of Bush’s presidency. Clearly the media believe that they are more qualified than the rest of us to pick our presidents and have no qualms about biasing information to make sure their guy(and I do mean guy)wins."
Bush Criminals To Escape... Again
Howling Latina: Get Out of Jail Card
"...In "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," Obama gave every Republican operative, er, official, a get-out-of-jail card courtesy of moving forward. But as one might expect, the blogger boyzz are up in arms.
The new Congress and the new President are facing some very daunting challenges; challengers that could create even more of an imperative to forget the past and just move on.Oh, my bad. It's never Obama's fault; it's always something or someone else. Obama continues to walk on water and build the world in six days. It's the unholy mess we're in; but please, pretty please, don't be seduced by the presidency, Mr. President-elect and forget the blogger boyzz whose praises won the fight for you..."
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sen. Clinton Playing?
Friday, January 09, 2009
A Different View Of The Gaza Conflict
"... I recently retired from the US Marine Corps, but I saw service in Iraq. I do know something of military matters that are relevant to the situation now in Gaza.
I am dismayed by the rhetoric from US politicians and pundits to the effect that “if the US were under rocket attack from Mexico or Canada, we would respond like the Israelis”. This a gross insult to US servicemen; I can assure you that we would NOT respond like the Israelis. In fact, US armed forces and adjunct civilians are under attack constantly in Iraq and Afghanistan by people who are much better armed, much better trained and far deadlier than Hamas (I’ll ignore for now that the politicians seem to be oblivious to this fact). Israel has indeed taken a small number of casualties from Hamas rocket fire (about 20 killed since 2001), but we have taken thousands of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, including many civilian personnel. Hundreds of American casualties have occurred due to indirect fire, often from mortars. This is particularly true in or near the Green Zone in Baghdad. This fire often originates from densely populated urban areas..."
To say that I am conflicted about this incursion is an understatement and this post at the NYT furthered that conflict.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Palin Dissed Again
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Bush Does Something Right
The Daily Uh-Oh
Pakistan rejected the accusation as unacceptable, saying India had embarked on a propaganda offensive and such charges jeopardized chances of cooperation against terrorism..."
Coulter Talks Palin
“I loved Sarah Palin. The media went after her so viciously and it was all about class,” she says. “She is a real middle-class woman, just the sort of woman that Democrats are always pretending they represent, and they attacked her relentlessly. I am not saying she was ready to be president this year, but with McCain running, she wasn’t going to get anywhere near being president. If she goes back to Alaska and is a good governor and studies and learns, she may be a presidential candidate a couple elections from now. Maybe she could be another Reagan. Remember, Reagan didn’t run for president at forty-four. She has things she needs to learn. But she has heart and soul and you can’t learn that from a book...”
Sorry about that Raygun sneaking in there-- it's poison to criticize Ronnie but he was the disaster that set the stage for Bush the Lesser and the rise of the Evil Democrats so I will never have love for him either. You can read some more on this at Charlotte Front and Center: Ann Coulter on Obama and Palin in "Guilty," from whence I lifted this excerpt.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Singing In The Black
"...Now Jon Bon Jovi is set to play for Hillary Clinton this month as she strives to pay down millions in presidential campaign debt to clear the way for her confirmation as Obama's secretary of state.
It's no ordinary gig: Bon Jovi runs the risk of losing some of his hard-earned blue-collar cred by helping bring the wealthy pol into the black at a time when corporations are begging taxpayers for billions and ordinary folks are pinching pennies..."
Let' see. Who got the blue collar vote? It wasn't Little O.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Judas Withdraws
'Let me say unequivocally that I and my Administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact,' he said Sunday in a report by NBC News' Andrea Mitchell. 'But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process...'"