Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Coulter Talks Palin

No matter how Puma I get, I will never go far enough to be able to tolerate Ann Coulter. She does have an interesting observation about Palin:

“I loved Sarah Palin. The media went after her so viciously and it was all about class,” she says. “She is a real middle-class woman, just the sort of woman that Democrats are always pretending they represent, and they attacked her relentlessly. I am not saying she was ready to be president this year, but with McCain running, she wasn’t going to get anywhere near being president. If she goes back to Alaska and is a good governor and studies and learns, she may be a presidential candidate a couple elections from now. Maybe she could be another Reagan. Remember, Reagan didn’t run for president at forty-four. She has things she needs to learn. But she has heart and soul and you can’t learn that from a book...”

Sorry about that Raygun sneaking in there-- it's poison to criticize Ronnie but he was the disaster that set the stage for Bush the Lesser and the rise of the Evil Democrats so I will never have love for him either. You can read some more on this at Charlotte Front and Center: Ann Coulter on Obama and Palin in "Guilty," from whence I lifted this excerpt.

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