Sunday, January 11, 2009

Comment Of The Day

Schuster Owned By Zeigler On MSNBC Regarding Sarah Palin : NO QUARTER: "To me the most damning point is that there was never any comparably tough interview of Obama. He was not challenged about his lack of experience, as well as his neglect of his job as Senator. How many interviewers asked him hard questions about his relationship with his long time mentor Rezko, particularly that house deal which happened after Obama knew Rezko was being investigated by the Feds? (On McLaughlin Pat Buchanan said Obama’s ties to corrupt players in Ill. was the most underreported story of the year. He was right.)Did anyone ask Obama how it was he did not know that his own constituents were trapped in Rezko’s slums? Are we to believe that none of them ever complained to him when he was their state senator?

The right wants to frame this problem as liberal bias, but it really is based in class and gender bias as well as envy of those who are smarter than they are. It is not just conservatives that they savage. The media used sexist attacks to trash Hillary. They constantly hounded Bill and portrayed him as white trash. Bush was well-liked by the media, something they try to hide by claiming they only gave him a pass after 9-11. The truth is they helped the Republicans sell him to us in 2000 by willingly ignoring his blatant lies, his history of bankruptcies, insider trading, and downplaying his National Guard history all the while praising him as a regular guy who would be fun to have a beer with. In contrast, they portrayed Gore as a dishonest phony.

A democracy cannot function when voters make choices based on such propaganda. The media deserves a large share of blame for the mess we are in as a result of Bush’s presidency. Clearly the media believe that they are more qualified than the rest of us to pick our presidents and have no qualms about biasing information to make sure their guy(and I do mean guy)wins."

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