Monday, November 27, 2006

Accountability Knocking

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Quick! Call the Waaaahmbulance!: "The failures of George Bush? Well, they accrue to the Republican-controlled Congress and to the Republican party as a whole, for propping up this idiocy for more than five years. All those signing statements and thumbing of the Presidential nose at the Constitution and the separation of powers? Blame the GOP. And so on and so forth.

The Republicans in Congress just elected themselves…the same old same old when it comes to leadership, in both houses. You think they have learned anything from the prior elections, other than 'we'd like to cling to power with everything we have, pass out goodies to our cronies every chance we get, and screw the little guy?' Me neither.

So here's a message to Republicans in Congress: you want to blame someone for the failures of the Bush Administration, blame yourselves. It's a mess of your own making, signed, sealed and delivered, with every rubber stamping that you so happily gave George Bush when your earmarks and cronies trough ranneth over. The failures you want to blame on George Bush? They are Republican failures — failures of leadership, failures of ethics, failures of having a spine outside the threats that Karl Rove issued as edicts from on high regarding campaign donations. And big fat failures of policies that l"

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