Monday, November 27, 2006

Bush Library: Comedy 101

Sometimes you can absolutely smell the opportunity-- like cow patties on warm, wet spring morning, you just know this story is gonna grow an infinite number of comedic mushrooms. I'll quote a bit of Ms. Huffington to get the ball rolling (there's a bunch more at the link):

The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Bush's $500 Million Library: Shouldn't We Know Who His "Megadonors" Are? | The Huffington Post: "Bush's $500 Million Library: Shouldn't We Know Who His 'Megadonors' Are? (1 comments )

Comedy writers and lovers of the absurd all across America have a bounce in their step today, buoyed by news that President Bush is looking to raise half-a-billion dollars to build his legacy-burnishing presidential library.

The idea of Uncurious George building a $500 million shrine to his disastrous presidency is the political equivalent of a whoopee cushion; a veritable laff riot..."

You know what's gonna happen on Comedy Central, don't you?

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