Friday, November 24, 2006

Democratic Democrats

The Howler flogs a favorite horse of mine: media bias. Good links and a well-developed post examines a good bit of the evidence,.

Daily Howler: Ruth Marcus catches George Bush. Incomparably, we catch ourselves: "...At any rate, Marcus also noticed this usage by Bush, as she notes in this morning’s Post. “The derisive use of ‘Democrat’ in this way was a Bush staple during the recent campaign,” she writes—after earning her stripes as a sensible centrist with this perplexing locution:

MARCUS (11/22/06): If he wanted to, President Bush could change the tone in Washington with a single syllable: He could just say 'ic.' That is, he could stop referring to the opposition as the 'Democrat Party' and call the other side, as it prefers, the Democratic Party.

“As it prefers?” Ruthie! The Democratic Party doesn’t “prefer” to be called the Democratic Party—that’s the actual name of the party! Doubters can even confirm what we say. The name appears on this group’s letter head—and you can even check it out here, right at the Dem Party’s web site... "

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