Saturday, November 25, 2006

Legacy Mode

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall November 25, 2006 12:44 AM
"Is it just me or has George W. Bush checked out of the stumbling national crisis we know as 'Iraq'?

I know his name shows up in the headlines. He's meeting Iraq Prime Minister Maliki next week in Amman. Vice President Cheney is shuttling to Saudi Arabia. And all of this is being billed as a part of a new and broader 'regional' approach to getting the conflict under some measure of control.

But I don't hear the president. Not his voice. The one thing that's been a constant over the last three and a half years is the president as the voice of American Iraq policy. Whether he's the author of it is another question entirely. But the voice and pitbull of it, always.

And yet since the election he seems to have disappeared from the conversation entirely. Like he's just checked out. It's not his thing anymore..."

The Shrub has gone into Legacy Mode. Like the neocons, he is running from his creation, though his Karloff-esque monster is stalking his denial-ridden soul through a thunderous and stormy night. His fondest hope is that he can pin his failures onto his Democratic successor, having been less than successful at pinning his failings on his predecessor.

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