Sunday, November 19, 2006

Loud News

No news is LOUD news. - The Smirking Chimp: "As an orthodox news junkie, even I have been taken aback by the MSM's wild-eyed reaction to the Democrats' victory in both houses. The Democratic take-over of Congress (as well as the Party's new dominance in state legislatures and governorships) has elicited a response by media pundits closely akin to that shown by vampires encountering garlic.

They've smirked, snarled, spat and sputtered over the event, while trying to portray the party as imploding, citing the recent Pelosi-Murtha-Hoyer dust-up as evidence. In the real world, the Murtha-Hoyer contest would have been regarded as 'small beer.' In the 24-hour cable realm, wherein no hard news means 'talk louder,' this was an event as earth shattering as the demise of the Hindenburg..."

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