Thursday, November 16, 2006

More Hate From Home

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Late Nite FDL: The Inevitable Fall of the Pajamahadeen: "...And Mary Katherine Ham wonders why I don't want to rub shoulders with her at a party and make nicey-nice! These people are ultimately exactly the same as the radical Islamic clerics and jihadis they claim to oppose, and it's time we called them out as such. The Right Blogosphere is a cesspool of boiling hate and howling insanity and we need to stop pretending that these are people who can be engaged rationally, appeased, or tolerated. They stand in direct opposition to everything that America is about, freedom of speech, plurality of ideas, and equality before the law regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, and ideological or spiritual affiliation. To Malkinites, ALL MUSLIMS ARE KILLERS, ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE DANGEROUS, and ALL LIBERALS ARE 'UNHINGED'..."

This goes nicely with Ms. Atlas calling for the murder of State Department officals.

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