Friday, August 22, 2008

O'Troubles Deduced

RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Mystery of Obama's Problems: "...Ask the typical Obama supporter why this should be so and you'll get a range of answers. Some just stare at the poll numbers the way my late basset hound would look at me when I tried to feed him a grape: with pure unblinking incomprehension. Others act like the guy who sits alone with his shopping bags at the public library, muttering about Fox News conspiracies and how Karl Rove-like aliens are doing terrible things with probes of proctological exactitude. Still others just shake their heads at the racism of anyone who could possibly have a problem with a very left-wing politician with almost no experience, who often sounds like his campaign slogan is: 'People of Earth! Stop Your Bickering. I Am From Harvard, And I'm Here To Help...'"

I hear the variant of this quite a bit too-- "Well, that's not how we do it in Florida (insert your favorite retirement state here)." The implication, of course, is "You locals are dumb hicks and don't understand what's in your best interests. I'm here to save you from yourself." Every other time Obama opens his pie-hole something comes out that reminds me that I'm not as cultured, intelligent, or capable as he is. Nope. Not the kind of guy I want to have a beer with. Or have in the White House.

1 comment:

billy pilgrim said...

every time he talks i ask myself, "does this guy have an off switch?"

he seems to be that perpetual bullshit politico mode.