Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rangel Dissed

Is Holding Grudges Good Governing? | Corrente: "I know. I know. We don’t have the “context” and “its from Politico”, but if this is true, what do we have to look forward in an Obama presidency:

Rangel surrogates approached Obama staffers this week about the possibility of securing him a slot at the podium, making the case that it would showcase reconciliation between the nominee and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s African-American supporters.

But they were told that the 78-year-old congressman’s support for Clinton earned him a place at the end of the line behind Barack Obama’s loyalists — even if Rangel played a crucial part in prodding Clinton to abandon her presidential bid in June.

One of myriad problems with Bush was his surrounding of like minded people and purging of dissenters, even former allies (Paul O’Neil, US Attorneys, etc.). This is not a trait I want to have in a president.

I’ve been saying this since the Krugman purge, but Obama and/or his surrogates have displayed a petty vindictive behavior that I find scary. Rather than truly reaching out to Hillary supporters, they spare no chance to stick it to people who didn’t support him. (Which is why the idea of Obama controlling what progressive organizations get money is truly disturbing.)..."

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