Monday, August 18, 2008

Scaife vs. Pickens

garychapelhill works up a fine post comparing the "progressive sins" of Clinton and Obama and the people they talk to. He concludes thusly:

The Obama Rules Redux « The Confluence

"...It is quite a different thing, in my opinion, to sit down with someone who not only four years ago, very successfully, dragged John Kerry’s reputation as a war hero through the mud, essentially accusing him of lying about his wartime heroics, and being a turncoat when he opposed the war after returning home. At least Hillary was sitting down with someone who had dragged HER family’s name through the dirt. To me it showed graciousness beyond belief, a characteristic that would be tremendous asset as president. Pickens however shows no remorse for what he did to Kerry, and saddling this nation with four years of a criminal president, unending war, and the loss of some of our most cherished and sacred rights. Scaife seems like a pussycat in comparison.

So where is the outcry from Mr. Noah? Kos? Arianna? Obamamman? Kerry? *crickets* Well color me surprised. Once again all of these people, the so called Democratic Party, our corrupt and lying media, the “progressive” blogosphere, show the world what petty hypocrites they really are."

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