Thursday, November 09, 2006

Reinstate The Fairness Doctrine

Crooks and Liars

Colbert comment thread:

"IMHO, I think you'll find that almost anyone who now (and for perhaps the last 25-30 years) goes into TV "journalism", has no deeply held political beliefs they are simply mouthpieces, in it for the $$$, and any "new faces" would just provide more of the same.

The only solution as I see it, is to one, re-instate the Fairness Doctrine, and two (and this is the most important), break up the media monopolies (thereby breaking up the editorial monopolies), by both rescinding the ill-conceived Telecommunications Act and starting to once again vigorously enforce the Sherman Anti-trust act.


I cannot say this any better I don't think, and I agree with it 100%.

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