Sunday, November 05, 2006

Scrutiny Hooligans Flames AC-T

Scrutiny Hooligans: "Note to AC-T, When Congressman Lies On The Air - It's News

Beware any newspaper article that begins with, 'Maybe both of these guys should just go stand in the corner for a while.' That's how John Boyle opens his column reporting on the politically charged Debate That Wasn't..."

Darn good questions follow for our local daily, which seems to cater more to the Red than the Blue. Hooligans also has a good follow-up on Democratic candidate Shuler. (Not sure I like the WaPo calling us "bucolic," though. "Rural" is an apt description, thank-you. ["Bucolic" sounds rather distasteful, like something that you might pickup at a hot dog stand that the health inspectors haven't visited lately])


yellowdoggranny said...

holy shit ya'll have more blogs than i have ex husbands...
anyhow..i came over here to relate to you a story as i saw where you refer to a airforce cap as a cunt cap..when i was married to a gi in af stationed at walker afb in roswell new husband (#1) had to do some sort of parade duty thingy and I being an airforce trooper(raised in airforce) knew all the names to everything that a gi would..not necessarily a good thing..anyhow...(long story short never meant jackshit to me)..he went out to ride to the base with a truck load of gi's and as they were pulling out into the street i saw he had left his i grabbed it up and ran out into the yard waving it over my heard..holloring.."honey, dont forget your cunt cap."...jesus, gi's were falling out of the truck laughing...i was about 19 at the time..and think i was 25-16 before i found out what a cunt was...

Bob Harrison said...

It's been ten minutes and I'm still giggling at that image! I can imagine the GI's reaction to #1's presumed mortification.

ps I don't have a couple of other blogs listed-- don't know that I'd claim them!