Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Senate Points

The Blog | Bob Geiger: Senate Results Are Harshest Slap at Bush | The Huffington Post

...With Democrats controlling the Senate Judiciary Committee and the progress of any Supreme Court nominee to the floor of the Senate, and 51 Democrats awaiting any Bush pick if he or she should reach a full vote, Bush will be neutered in any attempt to push the high court even farther to the right. This also applies to federal judges, which receive a fraction as much attention as a Supreme Court nominee but also directly impact the quality and character of the American legal system.

Democrats will also control committees, which shines a huge spotlight on the Senate Intelligence Committee in particular which, with the exception of Democratic stalwart Russ Feingold (D-WI) raising hell on a regular basis, has spent the majority of the last two years asleep at the switch and turning a blind eye to Bush and Cheney doing Constitution-busting things like spying on Americans without required warrants..."

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