Monday, August 04, 2008

Manufactured Pumas

Hey, Chuck Todd, We are everywhere. Be afraid, be very afraid. « The Confluence: "So, I hear that Chuck Todd has been on Meet the Press this morning talking smack about us and saying that we were “manufactured in Manhattan”, as if the Clinton people put this together. LOL!

The truth is much more frightening than that, Chuck. We did this all on our own and we are EVERYWHERE. Yes, Chuck, we are in your Whole Foods and Wegman’s. We drink lattes at the Starbucks on the corner. We take our kids to your summer camp. We swim on your beaches and pools. We send our children to Iraq. We are on the East coast, the West coast, Texas and North Carolina. We are a viral infection. We are spreading. It’s much worse than you think. Manhattan is not the headquarters. There *is* no headquarters. We are in every neighborhood and demographic group. We are like zombies who rise from the dead, who you can’t kill off. Trying to corner us on an island in NY is futile. It will be like playing Whack-a-Mole..."

That is funny. Sorry, dude. Never met any of ladies or laddies associated with Puma, never been anywhere near New York City (well, ok, Ft. Dix is sorta close) but I'm with them. So shoo fly. Shoo.

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