Wednesday, September 03, 2008

On Class Bias

Anglachel's Journal: Taking Out the Trash: "...I have written about this before, pointing out the deep revulsion the political and cultural elite feels towards things working class and especially things working-class, white and Southern. The original sin of Bill Clinton was to be a hick from Arkansas who didn't disavow his roots. The greater sin of Hillary Rodham Clinton was to marry that hick and stick with him even when he acted like a Bubba. Lower class white females are treated with even greater contempt than their male counterparts, reduced to Dolly Parton boobs, Daisy Duke butts, and Britney Spears midriffs. Above all, a lurid fascination with their alleged propensity for beastiality and incest, with accusations of the latter making an appearance in the current assaults. After all, "we" nice clean college educated denizens of Whole Foods Nation know about "those" kind of people. What do we know about them?..."

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