Sunday, September 21, 2008

Positive Rape

Follow the link and can discover how gang rape is a positive experience-- if you have the stomach.

Gang Raped?

"OK - I have more than had it from liberal women attacking Gov. Palin. Again, I hasten to add that I was always one clinging to the far LEFT corner of the Democratic Party, so no centrist or Republican am I. First it was Gloria Steinem, then it was Eve Ensler (and don’t let her current diatribe against Governor Palin fool you - she was always for Obama. If you haven’t read Ani’s EXCELLENT piece at NoQuarter, “Ladies, If You Didn’t Vote For Hillary..Why Are You Screaming About Your Rights Now??“, I urge you to do so.). But - this has gone too, too FAR, courtesy of Sandra Bernhard. What she said is so reprehensible, it makes me ill to even write about it. So, I won’t. Instead, I’ll let Tim Graham describe it for me:..."

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