Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Troopergate Redux

From the Department of Bogus Facts Rebuttal:

Amanda Carpenter :: Townhall.com :: Violent Men at Center of "Troopergate": "The more we find about “Troopergate” the more justified Sarah Palin seems in firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

The increased media attention to the controversy has revealed both men at the center of the inquiry have disturbing records of physical abuse against their family members..."

It's simple, people. Any man who abuses a woman or a child should not be trusted to carry a gun and enforce the law. Period. Exclamation point. Don't send me more threatening emails-- I don't care how much you hate Palin or McCain or whatever. You are wrong to condemn someone for trying to do that right thing-- even if he or she might have screwed-up the process. Disguising the "right thing" when it is for your personal benefit is entirely another matter (see Ted Stevens and Oliver North for inspiration).

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