Sunday, October 02, 2016

Not Crazy In NC: ACT Endorses Clinton Edition

This endorsement comes from the Asheville Citizen-Times in Asheville, NC, one of the regal cities of Appalachia.

Editorial board: Clinton the only qualified pick for president:

...Hillary Clinton, who perhaps is not the candidate most North Carolinians would like to bring along to a local craft brewery or a drum circle, is a deeply qualified, highly experienced and compassionate leader who will do the job well and serve the needs of our state far better than any of her fellow candidates.

She may not blow up the system, but she is well prepared to make it better.

Voters in the Asheville area will probably cast more ballots than most this year for third-party candidates, and that is certainly their right. Those votes won’t be wasted, but they will be cast at the expense of those who would be hurt most by a Donald Trump presidency...
Note the comment about third party voters, and yes, you will be wasting your vote, and let us remember that Nader voters put George Bush in the White House, which led to 9-11 and the Iraq war, so don't think you can vote or not vote without consequence.

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