Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bush Bloggers' Blues

James Wolcott's Blog: Around the Diamond: Wolcott's Blog: vanityfair.com: "...Absoscreaminglutely. Hard as it is to fathom, a President Giuliani might be even worse than Bush when it comes to cronyism, and the fact that he's soliciting advice from John Bolton means that he, like the other Republican candidates, hasn't learned a cursed thing about the nefarious incompetence of the neocons, or perhaps they just don't care. On some of the conservative sites I pop into, they're so disenchanted with Bush that they're trying to convince themselves that he's really a stealth liberal and has been a stealth liberal all along (hence the Harriet Miers nomination), only they were unwilling to acknowledge it at the time because the War on Terror superceded all of their other so-called convictions and principles. They're lying to their readers, as usual, and they're lying to themselves if their arguments are even halfway sincere. Bush is not a liberal, never was; he's a messianic narcissist of mediocre abilities who needs hacks around him to keep his ego from collapsing like a dam wall. He isn't spurning his conservative base on immigration because he's longs to make nice with Ted Kennedy, he's spurning them because they disagree with him and he can't brook disagreement. If he didn't listen to his own father, a former president no less, do you really think he's going to lose winks at night over what Laura Ingraham or the NRO gang has to say? His head hits that pillow like a rock and there's no reasoning with a rock."

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